Świadczymy sługi w zakresie badań nieniszczących, wdrażamy również metody zaawansowane z dziedziny badań nieniszczących

Testing with WIT method

The WIT method, due to the information that we are able to obtain about the object being tested, is a very important stage in the assessment of the technical condition of components operating at elevated temperatures and increased pressure. The WIT method was entirely developed by Polish engineers.

The WIT method is a non-destructive method for determining the condition of materials and the limit numerical values of their mechanical indicators based on the determined wave damping coefficient and hardness.

Tests using the WIT method establish an important element of the diagnostic process aimed at detecting degradation processes of the structure of materials as a result of high temperatures and stresses. We carry out tests using the experience of the creators of the method.

The WIT method allows:

  • determine in a non-destructive way the numerical values of mechanical indicators
  • determine the tendency of the material to brittle fracture

The benefits of using the WIT method are:

  • effective detection of degradation processes in the material structure as a result of high temperatures and stresses
  • testing materials for their tendency to brittle fracture
  • he opportunity to test devices, both new and being operated
  • effective detection of dangerous, pre-failure conditions of devices

Photos from the implementation of WIT method